Research Initiatives

Structure of P2SL Research Initiatives

P2SL research initiatives that employ the action research methodology are routinely structured as follows:

  • Interested P2SL member companies help to launch and shape the initiative, identify research questions, develop the action research plan, and volunteer laboratory projects to improve practice and thinking about the initiative’s research topic.
  • Companies supporting a research initiative help collect data and participate in describing and assessing the current state of practice and thinking about the research topic. They attend research planning and report-out meetings exclusively with those engaged in the research.
  • P2SL (e.g., one student and advising faculty) works with the project team to help them plan, implement, and assess the effectiveness of relevant processes and tools.
  • Selected P2SL member companies are invited to observe and learn from the laboratory initiative projects.
  • At least once a year, a workshop is held for all P2SL members to report on the research.
  • Summary results of each research project are made public. Research findings are published in academic and trade journals, and presented at academic and industry conferences. When appropriate, research findings and products are incorporated in educational courses.

How does P2SL Launch and Lead Research Initiatives?

P2SL’s funding constraints and needs are structured around the following considerations:

  • The university “taxes” funds received depending on the nature of the obligation placed on the university. Unrestricted research gifts are taxed at a 10.75% rate. Funds provided in exchange for a deliverable (“contract research”) at 60.5%.
  • Companies become members of P2SL by making an unrestricted gift to P2SL of $20,000/year or, alternatively: an unrestricted gift of $10,000/year to become a member of P2SL plus an additional unrestricted gift of at least $25,000/year (or more) for each research initiative they wish to support. We pool gifts of multiple companies to support each initiative.
  • Companies become P2SL participants by supporting a research initiative. Assuming that funding is provided as an unrestricted gift, P2SL needs a minimum of $125,000 per year to initiate a new initiative. We encourage multiple companies to share the funding needed to launch and maintain a research initiative.
  • We post member company logos on the P2SL website. Member company employees pay the members rate to participate in P2SL events and get full website access.

To contribute, please make your check payable to the ‘UC Regents’ and send it to:

Prof. Iris Tommelein, UC Berkeley, 760 Davis Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710

Add note to indicate it is “an unrestricted gift in support of the Project Production Systems Laboratory.” Thank you!