Knowledge Center > Glossary > R


raw materials inventory

Materials obtained from suppliers; as-of-yet unused input to be transformed in a production process and output as finished goods.

Illustration → see inventory

realities or truths of planning (not quite Principles)

  • Plans are forecasts and forecasts are always wrong.
  • The further out into the future you plan, the more wrong you are.
  • The greater detail you plan, the more wrong you are.


…for failing to complete weekly assignments; e.g., lack of prerequisites, insufficient time, unclear directives. Reasons can also be sought for failing to advance scheduled tasks from the master schedule to a phase schedule or a make-ready schedule, or from one week to the next within the make-ready schedule.

reciprocal dependence

Mutual dependence.

→ see dependence

Example: The architect was waiting for input from the structural engineer, but the structural engineer also was waiting for input from the architect.

reconsideration phase [CBA]

The process of gaining new knowledge or insights based on having completed a CBA table and chart showing money vs. importance of advantages, leading to modifying the CBA table and chart, and possibly resulting in making a different choice.

reliable, reliability

To achieve what was promised as promised.

reliable promise, reliable promising

Promise reached by sticking to the steps of the Language-Action Perspective (LAP) cycle:

  • Making a request,
  • Committing,
  • Declaring Complete, and
  • Declaring Satisfaction, while striving to meet the Conditions of Satisfaction (e.g., meeting a Completion Date).

Flores, F. (1982). Management and Communication in the Office of the Future. PhD Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Winograd, T. and Flores, F. (1987). Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 224 pp.

replenishment time

The time needed to obtain a part, counted from the moment the order for that part is placed. The replenishment time is always larger than the time to produce the part (i.e., the cycle time).


Specification of what must be satisfied in order for an alternative to be acceptable.

In Choosing by Advantages, a must criterion.


Labor or instrument of labor, including tools, equipment, and space. Resources have production capacities as well as costs. Consequently, materials and information are not resources, but rather what resources act on or process.

NOTE: in CBA, Suhr (1999) defines money as a resource.

Reverse Phase Planning, Reverse Phase Scheduling (RPS)

→ see phase planning


One type of iteration, where work that was done before (which may have been thought to have been completed) is being redone.


Reverse Phase Scheduling

→  see phase planning

IDT 2023-01-07